New to help the smokers save-the electronic cigarette!
Wondering if you should try them? ? Here are some popular reasons:
* No tar or other poisonous chemicals. Regular cigarettes contain around 4,000 harmful chemicals including arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and cyanide . .
* No second-hand smoke, so you're not harming those around you either. The vapor produced by electronic cigarettes is virtually odorless and leaves little residual taste in your mouth.
* Beat the public smoking bans! Many countries now ban smoking in most public places, but you can enjoy your Electronic Cigarette almost anywhere!
* Save money.Save 50% or more by switching to Electronic cigarettes. .
* Beat your addiction with decreasing strengths of nicotine. Unlike a light cigarette, the cartridges actually deliver a reduced amount of nicotine when they say so. The nicotine from an e-cigarette is absorbed more slowly, though, and satisfaction may take a minute or so.
* "Vape" in places where cigarettes are not allowed, such as airports, hospitals and office buildings.
* Wide range of flavors available..
* Nicotine cravings are satisfied without patches that fall off, gum that tastes horrible, and wihile satisfying your craving for the smoking sensation.
* No more lighter, matches, burnholes, dirty car windows or ashtray to mess with.
The E-Cigarette Journal can tell you more about this revolutionary product and help you find the best deal on a starter kit. Learn more...